Proxima Organic Potash - Proxima Bio-Tech Pvt Ltd.

Proxima Gold(Soil Conditioner)

  • Benefits :

    Proxima Gold provides Ca. : Mg. : S. Which is known as the secondary nutrients necessary for the growth and health of plants.
    Proxima Gold contains a balanced amount of elements like calcium, Magnesium, and sulfur which is best for plant growth
    It increases water absorption and uptake of other nutrients.
    It increases the count of chlorophyll molecules in leaves and hence the photosynthesis activity of plants.
    It completely wipe out the causes of yellowness in crops, increasing the quality and yield of crops.
    Ensure healthy and disease-free crops
    Regular usage of Proxima Gold makes the soil smoother

  • Dose :

    200 to 250 kg per acre for long duration crops like Sugarcane, Castor 150 to 200 kg per acre for short duration crops like Groundnut, Paddy & Vegetable

  • Packing :

    50 kg HDPE Bag

  • Bulk Packing :

    50 kg HDPE Bag

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